module timelinelib.wxgui.components.searchbar.view

The search bar is a gui component displayed in the status bar whenever the user presses Ctrl+F. It consists of the following visual components.

  • A close button

  • A search button

  • A text field

  • A backward navigation button

  • A forward navigation button

  • A ‘display list’ button

  • Report labels for ‘no event found’ and ‘one event found’

The parent of the component is the TimelinePanel.

As with all gui components all business logic is handles by a controller. Actions on the components are directly delegated to the controller.

The component (or actually the controller) needs a Canvas object in order to find events containing the given text. The Canvas object is injected with the SetTimelineCanvas() function.

class timelinelib.wxgui.components.searchbar.view.SearchBar[source]

Bases: wx._core.ToolBar, timelinelib.wxgui.components.searchbar.guicreator.guicreator.GuiCreator


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

Close(force=False) → bool[source]

This function simply generates a wxCloseEvent whose handler usually tries to close the window.